Go Gnomeregan! I want my robot chicken mounts!
Damned disappearing books!
She's set two additional goals for herself here in Northrend: achieve exalted status with Kirin Tor and Wyrmrest Accord. The former for a pretty nice robe, the Robes of Crackling Flame, and also because she's a mage and so she should be exalted with the mage faction. Wyrmrest Accord exalted because:
She's doing quests in Borean Tundra and Dragonblight for both factions, but she'll be using JP to purchase most of the necessary rep, which I just learned about and kind of couldn't believe. It sort of feels like cheating! But for 520 rep/16 JP, it's hard to pass up.
Arcanist Miluria, popularity vendor!
Of course there are some green places in Northrend- some of the dragonshrines in Dragonblight, and of course Sholazar Basin. The Basin will be Fossegrimme's next questing stop, and combined with a few dungeons will hopefully put her to level 80 by mid-week!
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